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who we are

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Centro de integración Tapalpa, A.C. ,
is an institution with a humanistic vision, which develops comprehensive educational projects to raise the quality of life of children, youth, families of Tapalpa and their rural communities that live in marginalization or have some physical or intellectual disability.


It works through the development of skills for thinking, emotional education, art, culture, appropriation of values and psychotherapy.

what is our goal?

Aligned with seven of the seventeen objectives of the UNPD sustainable development plan (united nations program for development), we seek to:


  • Integrate people with disabilities

  • Fight discrimination

  • Create people with integrity and expectations of a worthy and productive life

  • Prevent family and social violence

  • Prevent crime

  • Fight poverty and hunger

  • Generate social cohesion

  • Empower women

the Institution's achievements

  • Annual support to 700 people (among children, youth and women)


  • CEMEFI Certificate of Transparency since 2010


  • Authorized Grantee since 1996


  • Collaboration Agreements with:


  1. National College of Technical Education of Tapalpa "CONALEP".
    Support is provided to its students in educational spaces, as well as the use of the Theater
    CITAC "Ocho Soles" Auditorium.

  2. National College of Educational Promotion of Tapalpa: "CONAFE"
    Support in academic spaces, use of Auditorium Theater and reception for social service providers.

  3. Mexican Institute of Pedagogical Education: "IMEP"
    Reception of students for social service.

  4. University of Guadalajara "UdeG Virtual":
    Virtual University House of UdeG: Discounts for virtual careers, support in procedures,
    registration and scholarships, academic space loans (use of computer and internet).

  5. Collaboration Agreement with the Labor Training Institute of the state of
    Jalisco: to endorse diplomas and take training courses.

  6. Jalisco State Human Rights Commission.

  7. Collaboration agreement with the Foundation "New Models of Philanthropy"

  8. Support from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies ITESO, through its program
    of Degree PAP (Professional Application program). For the improvement of programs



  • Networks to participate in

  1. For a free, creative and transforming childhood

  2. Council of Institutions for Social Development A.C.

  3. Jalisco Associations Network

  4. Network of schools and Institutions for Emotional Education.



  • Our Cultural Center:

  1. In the Auditorium Theater service is provided to the community for academic, social and cultural events.

  2. Two annual presentations are made by the CITAC Theater group.

  3. Children from rural communities are taken to see a movie with a social message.






  • Papelmalecho Craft Workshops:

  1. Increased service to the municipality of Atemajac de Brizuela: two craft workshops in Papelmalecho.

  2. Creation of 250 to 300 pieces of paper crafts per month.


  • Educational workshops:

  1. Creation of the Diploma in computing: "Microsoft Office", endorsed by the Secretariat of

Public education.


  • Visits:

  1. By private schools in Guadalajara and the USA: students are received, they are given a

tour of the institution, a paper mache workshop and if required, a movie at the theater
CITAC Auditorium.


  • Volunteering:

  1. Volunteers from Mexico and abroad are received.

  2. From ten to fifteen service or social service providers per year.



@2020 por Centro Integración Tapalpa A.C.

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