to the needs of the Tapalpa community.
In 1992 Patricia Villa Lever initiates a support process
for a girl with a brain injury.
That situation motivated the organization of the first service to help boys and girls with teaching-learning problems. In 1994, with a donation of land and the support of municipal, state and private authorities, the School of Special Education was founded. The experience and results of working with the Ministry of Education enriched the vision in the educational aspect and reaffirmed the importance of providing comprehensive care. In 1996 it was formally established as an NGO called Centro de Integración Tapalpa, A.C. or "CITAC".
In September 2002, CITAC carried out its own integrated structure promoting values, developing thinking skills, artistic education, new programs with flexibility that address the social problems of Tapalpa, support from government agencies, businessmen, foundations and individuals. In 2007, the "eight suns" Cultural Center project began, within the Organization's facilities; It is in its last stage and is intended to be a center for the development of artistic activities and a point of educational and cultural development for the region.