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"Love and Art United in Recycling"

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The history of

Papelmalecho is a handicraft created by the teacher, Marco Canizales, made only with recycled materials and painted with a flower-painting technique; creating unique, decorative and useful pieces.

Art that empowers ...

Although at first, the workshop was created as a therapeutic space for artistic and comprehensive development for people with disabilities, today it has become a space to empower women and fight against poverty in marginalized, rural communities.



The participants in these workshops are mostly adult women, youth and children from the rural communities of Tapalpa and Atemajac de Brizuela, who are vulnerable and live in social disadvantage.


Other participants:

Papelmalecho is also part of the DTS y Values educational program aimed at people with disabilities.


  • The piece of recycled trash is provided.

  • It is cleaned.

  • It is shaped (if flexible).

  • It is covered with paper and glue.

  • It is painted white.

  • It is painted a solid base color and decorated with other colors using the flower-painting technique.

  • It is sealed with lacquer.

  • The Integration Center carries out the artisan workshop in the community of the beneficiaries (summoned by the same community).

  • They gather 2 to 3 times per week for about 2 or 3 hours.

  • There is a group leader (with experience) that receives financial compensation from CITAC, to be the person in charge.

  • The participant responsible for the workshop ensures that the group does not lack any materials, ensures that they meet each week, and that the place they meet is maintained suitable and clean.

Sale-purchase Process

  • The participating women, youth and children learn the creation of the art, and once they reach a level suitable for sale, the coordinator collects and pays them for their art created once a month. Quantity previously stipulated for each piece.

  • Once the crafts are in Citac's possession, it becomes their responsibility: to label, store, promote them and find distribution points for their sale.

  • The payment price corresponds to half of its sale price.

  • Once every 4 weeks an activity for integral development is carried out.


The main selling points:


  • Artisan market in the main square of Tapalpa and fairs during the year (in the square)

  • Fair of Masters of Art in Chapala, Jal.

  • Overseas sales (3 US clients in Chicago, Arizona and Texas)

  • National Sale: In some cities like Los Cabos in Baja California and in Tulum, Quintana Roo.

  • In Jalisco; Puerto Vallarta, Tlaquepaque and ITESO trade fairs.

  • Others: invitations to sell at various events.



  • Because the participating women live in rural communities surrounding the main municipal Tapalpa or Atemajac de Brizuela, and due to having families or formal jobs, they cannot take charge of the sale-distribution of the product.

  • In the particular case of Yolosta and Varillas in Atemajac de Brizuela, they are located more than an hour off the main road in the town of Atemajac de Brizuela.


  • The flower made from a soda bottle.

  • The cross made with a broomstick or toilet paper tube.

  • Jewelry boxmade of tuna or sardines tins.

  • Various animals made from egg containers.

  • Photo frames made of cardboard.

Communities Served



  • Atacco

  • Ojo de Agua


Atemajac de Brizuela

  • Varillas 

  • Yolosta

Total women

and children supported: 100

Total of products made monthly: 250 approx.



In accordance with the objectives of the “SDP” United Nations Sustainable Development Plan, Papelmalecho contributes to the mentioned plan in the objectives related to:

  1. Poverty

  2. Hunger

  3. Gender Equality

  4. Reduction of Inequalities

  5. Climate action

In addition to offering a space that guarantees the right for people to have a recreational space

(article 24), as well as cultural development (article 27).


@2020 por Centro Integración Tapalpa A.C.

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